About us

/ About us

The creative marketing agency for pharma and healthcare

Lemm en Ten Haaf /HEALTH is the creative marketing agency for pharma and healthcare. We find healthcare issues fascinating, challenging and extremely relevant. The right communication is necessary to get healthcare providers and patients into action. And thus, contribute to better health or quality of life for patients.

Contributing to making people better

Thanks to our many years of experience with clients in healthcare, we know the market, healthcare professionals and all the regulations. This market requires its own approach. From strategy and creation to production. With our creativity and online marketing expertise we give a new impulse to communication in this often still traditional market.

Our show reel gives an impression of our work.

Would you like to see some examples?

Our show reel gives an impression. Or contact us for an appointment. Call Quicho ten Haaf on (020) 420 1172.